Saturday, June 9, 2012

** Programming Note - Posting Comments **

Although I certainly don't expect you all to post comments, a few people have asked me how to do so.  This is the first time I've attempted blogging so I had no idea.  After some investigating with Bri, I changed the settings so you should now be able to post comments.

You should now be able to t click on the "comment" button.  Form there it should let you post something as "anonymous".  Then you just click on "name/URL" and then write your name and say publish (you can leave the URL blank). You'll have to type in a security word to show you are not a robot/spammer and then you are good to go!


  1. Hello Ali, It's Saturday early eve here in the states. Does "aperitivo" mean pre dinner party? Cocktail hour? We agree that you are going in the "direzione justa"! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences- the pictures, the descriptions, we so enjoy every detail- and the Italian lessons. Aunt Mary and I love you!! Uncle David

  2. Hi Uncle David! Aperitivo is kind of like our idea of a happy hour. It's a little drink usually consumed before a meal and/or is usually with some light appetizers. So yes, kind of like a cocktail hour! Love you!! xoxo

  3. Ali so nice to find out what's happening with you! I've many times during the day wanted to text you, but this is so much better! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading these periodically. Thinking of you back in the states....and sending my best wishes for a wonderful journey!

  4. Thanks Michelle!! So glad you have been enjoying the updates. Hope all is well back in the states!
