Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fa Molto Caldo a Roma!

It's really hot in Rome!  (Rome... it's so hot right now)  I knew this was coming and I knew this was the risk I was taking by renting an apartment with no AC (sorry Sadie, it might be damn hot when you are here).  Somehow I imagined the breeze from the terrace keeping me cool.  Turns out the breeze isn't that cool and it's better to keep the shutters closed to keep out the hot sun.  Walking around is actually manageable if you can walk in the shade but if you are in the direct sun... it's pretty damn hot. Luckily most of the Cafès and Gelaterias are air conditioned (yes, any excuse to stop for a gelato).

However, I do have to say that one of the best things about Rome in the summer are the ice-cold drinking water fountains called fontanelle (little fountains) or nasoni (literal translation "big nose").  There are some 2,5000 nasoni scattered throughout the city. Some leave much to be desired...

But most are actually quite lovely and inviting.

While some aren't your typical nasoni but still delicious drinking water from a lovely fountain!

Initially, only 20 nasoni were placed in and around the city center in the 1870s, and some of the originals can still can be found in Trastevere.  As Rome expanded, more and more were installed.  280 can be found inside the old walled city.  Ancient Rome received its water through a system of aqueducts in distant cities and towns allowing the water to flow by gravity.  For more information on how the aqueducts and fountains work, take a look at this interesting article.  Who knew?

I carry around a water bottle with me everywhere and refill with fresh, cold water when I see a fontanelle. If you don't have a water bottle it's no problem - just plug the spout that resembles the nasoni with your palm or thumb, the water will spurt out of a hold on the top, providing you an ice-cold perfect drinking arch!

The only problem is the shortage of public bathrooms.  I feel too rude walking into places just to use their bathrooms so I've definitely stopped to but un cafè or gelato just as an excuse to use the bathroom.  Or maybe it's an excuse to get a gelato)!

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