Monday, July 2, 2012


Anyone who knows me knows I love to take pictures.  I find it almost impossible to go a day without taking at least a few.  Not only while here in Rome, but in my every day life.  I find so much beauty around every corner, it's difficult for me to not to try to capture it and savor that moment with a picture.

That being said, there are A LOT.  I've posted a few on Facebook but for those of you smart enough not to be on Facebook, and for those who would like to see more I've uploaded all of them all on Shutterfly via the link below.  They probably seem a bit out of order as some are from my camera phone on my morning runs and I hope to go in and label them at some point, but I hadn't been able to get to it so I thought I'd just send them out already.  Some are super random and I have plans to blog about them... someday!

For my June Italy pictures, click here.

To see the Campo di Giove pictures, click here.  I found a few that I hadn't seen on my phone (just a few of Berta and Gianni) so I've updated those.

UPDATE: There are now quick links to my photo albums at the top right of the blog. 

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