Monday, July 2, 2012


Football (aka Soccer) may not be that big of a deal in the US, but in Europe, it is the game.  I was excited to learn I would be here during the European Championships even though Italy didn't really have a chance to do very well.  After advancing through the first few rounds, they finally met Germany in the semi-finals.  Germany is an extremely strong team and definitely favored to win. So when I met my German friend, Tim, and his friends, to watch the semi-finals I expected to be one of the few people cheering for Italy.  That was definitely not the case.  The bar was filled with Italia fans but we were all getting ready to see our team lose.  

Nicola, Ali and Tim

For some reason it was Italy's night and Ballotelli was on fire!  Italy pulled off the upset and advanced to the finals!  It was so much fun to see the bar erupt with cheers.  After the game people poured out into the streets to celebrate into the night.

After we went to get pizza at Monte Carlo, the waiters, who know Tim well, gave him a hard time about his German flag he was still wearing.  Monte Carlo has delicious, classic Roman pizza - definitely a place worth checking out if you are here if you don't mind the wait.  Walking home was quite the scene as people celebrated into the night.  The city's main piazzas were closed down and filled with people.
Waiters sporting the German flag after the game.

Piazza Venezia after the game.

Unfortunately, Italy's luck wasn't so great last night during the finals against Spain.  I debated going to Piazza del Popolo or Circo Massimo to watch the final match, but Circo won Massimo won out and the scene was pretty incredible.  The area (now a public park) is the site of an ancient Roman chariot race stadium and entertainment venue.  In it's day it could accommodate 150,000 spectators.  I have no idea how many were there last night but it was quite the scene!  Nearly impossible to try to find anyone you're trying to meet up with but a great place to soak in the atmosphere of the final game of the European Championships!

Circo Massimo, European Championship Finals.  Spain versus Italy.

Sunset over Circo Massimo, European Championship Finals.

This city comes alive every night and it seems like there are endless things to experience.  I'm very sad that my days in Roma are numbered but incredibly excited to have Sadie and Max here and then off to Tuscany for an unforgettable week with great friends!  I'm trying to soak up every second of each day I'm here - I wish you all could share the experience with me but this blog will have to suffice for now.

1 comment:

  1. Ali what fun to see these gorgeous images with your first hand descriptions. Uncle David wants me to say "Italia played il migliore but Spain was too much! Tutto ve bene!!
    You look adorable! I wish so much that we could share even a morsel of this experience with you, Ali. Keep blogging!!
