Saturday, September 1, 2012

Arrivederci Italia! Ciao, ciao, ciao, ciao!

I've carried this clipping from the newspaper from back in January of 2000 (wow, that was almost 13 years ago!!) and came across it again last night while packing for my return to the US.  Every time I travel I come back just a little bit different. I'm sure I won't even be able to process how this journey has changed me until a few months or even years down the road.  I'm writing from the Rome Airport trying to process everything...

I had a lovely final night in Roma having dinner on the terrace with Cho and Anne Claire, one last gelato at the shop across from my apartment (one of my favorites in Rome), and went for a midnight walk alone in the full moon to say goodbye to the city that has a place in my heart forever.

Right now I don't really have the words to explain what I'm feeling. I'm full of excitement to see my friends and family at home, nervous about the reverse culture shock I'm sure I'll experience, and completely grateful for what I've experienced over the past three months.

My next journey begins tomorrow in Denver but I know I will be back to bella Italia soon!